


My view, and I have to say that it is a tangential and uninformed view since I know almost nothing about marketing and even less about artificial general intelligence, is that people will tend to choose bots on the basis of moral and ethical frameworks. In this kind of environment, the key decision for customers to make will be which bot they want to provide financial health, not which bank. I can easily imagine (indeed, I would pay for) a bot that could continually discuss the availability of frequent flier reward seats with British Airways and who wouldn’t want a bot to exploit account-opening incentives to switch savings across institutions. Browder notes that the cable providers will also be using GPT and its ilk, so the inevitable trajectory is indeed bots negotiating with each other! This will certainly level the playing field between the data rich supplier trying to optimise pricing and the customers sharing anonymised data to negotiate services. Something that I thought was a couple of years away is happening right now and it is absolutely fascinating! Now I see on Twitter that donotpay, “ the world’s first robot lawyer”, which was created by Stanford University student Joshua Browder to help people to contest parking tickets, is about to launch a browser extension where customers can type something line “negotiate my cable bill down” and have a GPT-powered bot engage with their cable provider on their behalf. I’ll tell you which one at the end.) Robot Lawyers


As an experiment to test this, I wrote one of the paragraphs for this article using ChatGPT. (Fortunately, for me at least, ChatGPT told the BBC that it would not take over the work of human writers, but would help them by providing suggestions and ideas leaving the human writer to create the final product.
