Gallery view fills entire display both when screen is or is not shared.Select if you need a recording of the presenter.Active speaker fills entire display both when screen is or is not shared.Similar to Active Speaker with Shared Screen layout.All meeting participants appear in tiled windows filling the display when screen is not shared.When screen is shared, active speaker appears in small window in corner of the display.Active speaker fills entire display when screen is not shared.These layouts will be recorded depending on how you configure your Zoom recording settings. You experience these layouts in Zoom as you navigate the view options during a Zoom meeting. There are 5 Zoom recording layouts that you make while in a Zoom meeting.
Save your poll results by clicking Download in the bottom left corner of the poll results window, after your poll is complete. Save your chat file on your computer by clicking Save chat to computer in your meeting settings. Poll questions and chat will not be transferred.
Learn how to edit captions in Kaltura here: Kaltura-Editing Closed Captions.

How your Zoom recordings get transferred to Kaltura depends on your Zoom cloud recording settings. Meaning your Zoom recordings will automatically be transferred and saved in Kaltura and be available at DU MediaSpace in your My Media.